Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Baseline Appointment & Starting Stims

I finished my birth control pills yesterday, so today was my baseline appointment at the clinic. They drew my blood and then did a (vaginal) ultrasound (u/s) to check the follicles in my ovaries. The doctor said that my uterine lining is thin (as expected) and although it took them awhile to find my left ovary (which was hiding), all my follicles look evenly sized, which is good.

My nurse called this afternoon and said my bloodwork (bw) and u/s results look good, so I should begin my stimulation (stim) injections on Friday. I will start with 2 injections in the evening only (Gonal-f and Menopur) and then they will do more bw and another u/s on Monday, and then again on Wednesday. 

I am super nervous about giving myself the injections. My parents have offered to do them for me, and my mom also has a friend (former nurse) who has offered to help, but I feel like I need to suck it up and learn how to do it myself (at least the subcutaneous injections). Even though I'm only doing them once in the evening now, I may eventually need to do them twice a day, and it's likely I will have to give them to myself at some point. I've read that the Menopur stings, so I'm apprehensive about that. I had to give subcutaneous injections to my dog before, so hopefully I can learn to do it to myself too.

I asked the doctor and nurse if I can continue working out, and they both said that moderate exercise should be okay. Hopefully that will help keep me busy and my mind from worrying!

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